January 26, 2021

Secrets to Prescription Safety 

  One of the reasons life expectancy is declining for three straight years in the United States, and we have sunken to a pathetic 35th in recent “Healthy […]
January 17, 2021


    Since the onslaught of COVID-19, the U.S. has seen unprecedented changes, particularly in the rise of opioid use. At least 30 states have reported increases in opioid-related mortalities or […]
December 30, 2020

Trauma and Substance Abuse

Trauma and Substance Abuse   As psychologists who work with adolescents, parents often ask us, “Why did my child get involved with drinking and/or drugs?” Teens commonly report they initiate drug […]
December 9, 2020

Door to Addiction

 Drug Use Opens Door to addiction One of the most prevalent addictions in older kids is drugs and alcohol. Addiction can occur with any mood-altering substance, and […]
November 18, 2020

Dangers of Drugged Driving

  When we think of impaired or distracted driving among teens, we often think about alcohol or electronic activities like texting and driving. However, more than 11 million […]
October 28, 2020

Digital Drugs

  Forget the medical marijuana dispensaries popping up on every street corner in California and Colorado. There’s a new way kids are getting “high” and it’s called i-dosing, […]
October 7, 2020

Lean “sizzurp”

Lean “Lean,”“purple drank,”“sizzurp,”and“syrup” These are nicknames for a potentially lethal cough syrup concoction containing promethazine and codeine. The drink is made using prescription cough syrup (the […]
September 16, 2020

The Gateway Effect

The Gateway Effect Help your kids avoid the first step to drug use Gateway drugs, also known as entry drugs, are regarded as substances that can […]
August 26, 2020

Raising A Drug-Free Kid

  How early communication and detection are key in raising a drug-free kid. He may be trained as a neuroscientist, but Ruben Baler would make an […]