February 27, 2022

I Didn’t Know My Son Was Drinking

 “I didn’t know my son was drinking. He told me he was doing homework at his friend’s house!”    When kids are caught drinking, nine out […]
February 18, 2022

Power Struggle

Setting boundaries—whether that means a rule about no sweets after dinner, a 9 p.m. sharp bedtime, or a restriction on dating until age 16—is daunting for […]
February 12, 2022

MASK’s Need-to-Know Tips

Ongoing conversation and check ins on these topics are critical to incorporate into your parenting style. Here are 4 tips to add to your dialogue and […]
February 9, 2022

 Adverse Childhood Experiences

 Adverse Childhood Experiences our child may have been through. ACEs Research and Behavioral Health Research has demonstrated a strong relationship between ACEs, substance use disorders, and […]
January 25, 2022

The Mindset Needs to Filter Through The Years

Safety As parents, we are influenced by consumer trends telling us we have to buy the latest “this” and the newest “that” in order to protect […]
January 21, 2022

Safe Transport

As kids get older, the chance they’ll choose to drink alcohol increases, especially when they’re out with friends. And as the chance of drinking increases, so, […]
January 13, 2022

Over and Over

  Ongoing conversations When it comes to talking to your children about important and often sensitive topics, the five-year rule should apply. The rule states that […]
January 7, 2022

MASK’s Need-to-Know Tips

Communication around the modern day topics that children and facing need happen regularly. Here are some topics to have some conversation around.   Bully When it […]
January 4, 2022

Help Your Child Make Healthy Decisions Based on Self-Choice

At some point in the middle or high school years, most every child is going to wrestle with peer pressure and confront those three dreaded little […]