July 10, 2021


Divorce can be emotionally trying for all members of the family, but before parents can help their children, they must first take care of themselves.  “One […]
October 16, 2020

Open Communication= Thriving Kids

Open Communication= Thriving Kids Divorce can be emotionally trying for all members of the family, but before parents can help their children, they must first take […]
September 23, 2020

Single Parenting

Single Parenting Balancing a Career and Kids as a Single Mom Here are some tips to help lighten the load. Plan ahead The key to freeing […]
September 4, 2020

Rising Above Divorce

Rising Above Divorce My parents divorced when I was in the third grade. I knew it was coming when all I heard at night was fighting. […]
July 24, 2020

The New Modern Family

  The New Modern Family Oftentimes, the first question when divorce comes up is “why?” In some cases, couples divorce for reasons ranging from low tolerance […]
July 13, 2020

Blended Family

Blended Family  According to a 2009 survey by the Marriage and Religion Research Institute, which specializes in social science data and research, only 47 percent of […]
July 3, 2020

Making Joint Custody Work

Pearls & Perils Learn the blueprint for making joint custody work Establishing custody rights is a decision that can critically affect the life of your child. […]
June 19, 2020

Divorce on Children

Conflict Raises Risks When parents set aside their differences, the consequences of divorce can be far-reaching. “Children from divorced families are two or three times more […]
June 12, 2020

Divorced Dad

Divorced Dad on Sharing and Sacrificing Single mothers make countless sacrifices. For me, one sacrifice really hit hard. Recently, I suggested that my daughter’s father and […]