August 21, 2021

Heroin Today

The heroin going around today is not the same heroin that became popular in the 60’s. Heroin used to be considered an extreme, life-ending drug, but […]
May 23, 2021

Dangers Lurking in our Medicine Cabinets

Beware the 300 Foot Cliff in Your Medicine Cabinet We’re all diligent about fencing our pools, forcing helmets on precious heads, and buckling our kids in […]
October 30, 2018

MASK Parent University

We want to help you and your family navigate through the school-age years by providing information and solutions about various issues before they may even arise. […]
August 22, 2018

“My name is Erin and I am an addict.”

I remember joking about being an addict, saying things like, “Yup, I’m just a no-good junkie, might as well get high.” I laughed when I said […]
May 2, 2018

Forty Eight Months

Our children are under attack by the overwhelming availability of harmful drugs, and in particular: BLACK TAR HEROIN. It would be wonderful if we could just […]
February 9, 2018

Fake Oxy

With so much going on in the world today, worrying about a new drug being exposed to our children should be the last thing on anyone’s minds. Unfortunately, fake Oxycodone, or […]
March 29, 2017

Responding to Drug Use

Talking to your child about the pressures of drug use is key to prevention. However you may have found that they have already tried drugs. If […]
October 14, 2016

Medical Marijuana: Myths & Misconceptions

Myth 1: Medical marijuana does not pose a health risk. Fact: Medical marijuana is addictive and presents significant health consequences. Including loss of motor skills, accelerated […]
April 22, 2016

MASK’s Need to Know Tips

Ongoing conversations on important topics should be revisited. Here are four simple tips to keep up to date on trending topics. Bully Building self-esteem is a […]