December 18, 2015

Drug Pressure

Each one of us has experienced it. Peer pressure. That feeling—real or imagined—that you must do what someone else is doing or face the consequences of […]
December 18, 2015

Step By Step

Growing up, my ambition was to play professional baseball. But as much as I loved it, there seemed to be an absent spark. Although I was […]
December 5, 2015

Digital Evolution

Remember the old days? When there was only one wired phone for the entire family and it was bolted to the kitchen wall? When kids wanted […]
December 5, 2015

Behind the Label

The psychological reasons why we use labels in social settings. It’s an average Monday at Pinnacle High School in Phoenix, Ariz. Students shuffle through the halls, […]
December 5, 2015

Trending” Cocaine

While cocaine is not widely abused by teens, it is one of the most dangerous drugs available to teens. In a recent study, 3.4 percent of […]
December 5, 2015

Hidden Pressures

Statistics show that teens—especially teens in high school—are pressured to do drugs and alcohol, and engage in risky behavior. The Adolescent Substance Abuse Knowledge Base reports […]
November 6, 2015

The Unseen Bruises of Bullying

  It can be downright overt, like a fist in the face when you don’t hand over the answers to yesterday’s math homework. Or sneaky, like […]
January 8, 2015

Peer Pressure in Junior High

Children at this age already know what peer pressure is, what it feels like, and what the consequences are of either following the crowd or choosing […]