September 1, 2021

Teen spending, Status Symbols and the High Price of Fitting In

  Kids are subjected to as many as 5,000 advertisements a day, according to Nathan Dungan, financial educator and founder of Share Save Spend. “Companies play […]
June 3, 2016

A Parent’s Role

The world we live in is a much more challenging place than it used to be. It is a parent’s responsibility to equip their teen with […]
January 8, 2016

Parents Call of Duty

Supervise Gaming Now that gaming consoles such as Xbox, PlayStation, and Wii can be connected to the Internet, kids are spending increasingly more time in front […]
December 18, 2015

Step By Step

Growing up, my ambition was to play professional baseball. But as much as I loved it, there seemed to be an absent spark. Although I was […]
December 5, 2015

Digital Evolution

Remember the old days? When there was only one wired phone for the entire family and it was bolted to the kitchen wall? When kids wanted […]
December 5, 2015

Behind the Label

The psychological reasons why we use labels in social settings. It’s an average Monday at Pinnacle High School in Phoenix, Ariz. Students shuffle through the halls, […]
November 6, 2015

Status Report

Teen spending, status symbols and the high price of fitting in. Kids are subjected to as many as 5,000 advertisements a day, according to Nathan Dungan, […]
January 8, 2015

Peer Pressure in Junior High

Children at this age already know what peer pressure is, what it feels like, and what the consequences are of either following the crowd or choosing […]