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Courtesy of The Nile Cafe
2 slices sourdough bread
2 slices vegan cheddar cheese
1 tbsp. vegan mayonnaise (such as Just Mayo)
1 tbsp. chipotle sauce
2 Anaheim green chilies, roasted,
peeled and chopped
Vegan butter, for toasting
Generously butter one side of each of the slices of
bread. On the unbuttered side of one slice of bread,
spread mayo and chipotle sauce to taste. Layer
chopped green chilies and two slices of your favorite
vegan cheddar cheese. Top with the other piece of
bread, leaving buttered side facing out. Put sandwich
in a panini press or grill pan on the stove and cook until
cheese melts.
The Nile Cafe
105 W. Main St., Mesa
the table (while putting limits on fast
and junk food), the switch to clean can
feel more manageable than a cold-turkey
approach guaranteed to meet resistance.
Dedicated clean eater Tiffany Pate used
this strategy to successfully change her
family’s diet and health over the past
seven years, and has since also helped
others make the clean eating switch.
“For me, it was spurred on by being
overweight and finally getting sick and
tired of being sick and tired,” Pate says.
Gradually, the mother of three
eliminated most processed foods and all
sodas and other sugary drinks from her
home, and drastically increased meats,
fruits and veggies. Now, when she does
buy processed foods, she checks labels for
recognizable ingredients and limits them
to no more than five or six.
“If we can’t pronounce the ingredients,
our bodies aren’t going to recognize them
either,” she says.
That being said, it’s a good idea to
expand your food knowledge if necessary.
Farro, kamut and even quinoa are
unrecognizable, hard-to-pronounce words
for many, but most nutritionists agree they
have their place in a clean-eating program.
Both Carter and Pate say it’s never
too late to improve your family’s eating
habits, but the earlier you introduce kids
to a clean eating lifestyle, the better. Not
only is it necessary for building a lifetime
of healthy habits, it’s much easier than
switching them over once their palates
prefer less wholesome foods.
Pate’s daughter, who was very
young when she began the clean eating
journey, is much more adventurous
about healthy foods than her two
older brothers, who were more aware
of what they were giving up.
But switching to clean eating is not about
deprivation. Most recipes can be prepared
clean if made with real food ingredients—
even pizzas, pastas, burgers, and baked
goods. For Pate’s family the motivation to
continue clean eating is the improvement
in how they feel.
“I’m human. I like cupcakes,” she says.
grandparents’ home) they may indulge,
but they also know they may not feel
great afterwards,” she says, adding that
getting buy-in from the whole family was
a challenge at first, but it is possible. “We
were that family that ate at McDonald’s
every single day. Now we only go out once
or twice a month—and we haven’t had
McDonald’s in years!”
“But I know when I eat a regular cupcake
what my body is going to feel like, so I
weigh that out. Is it worth it?”
Pate, whose clean eating regimen
has reduced her from a size 14 to a size
6 says sometimes the answer is yes and
sometimes no.
“The kids are the same way. When
they go to a birthday party (or to their
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