MASK_SPR18_fweb - page 82

Community Closeup
What is ASU Counseling
Services’ mission?
ASU Counseling Services work to
support the academic mission of the
university by providing mental health,
consultation, and outreach services
that facilitate the student learning
experience and student success in
persistence and graduation.
The department values the
diversity represented within the
student population, including culture,
race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age,
gender identity, religion, students with
military experience, and students with
disabilities. We respect and appreciate
the unique history of each student.
We are committed to meeting the
needs of diverse people and providing
a safe and welcoming atmosphere
that is sensitive to all students.
What services and programs
does the department offer? 
ASU Counseling Services offers
confidential, personal counseling
and crisis services for students
experiencing emotional concerns,
problems in adjusting, and other
factors that affect their ability to
achieve their academic and personal
goals. Counseling staff have training
and experience in issues facing
university students and are committed
to helping them adjust to campus life
and meeting their academic goals. 
The Services at ASU Counseling
are designed to ensure that any
student has access to professional
mental health services. We make
sure that any student can be seen
for an initial appointment the same
day they request to be seen. This brief
initial appointment is designed to
quickly assess the student’s reasons
for seeking help, their academic and
social functioning, and whether they
are currently experiencing a crisis.
From there, our goal is to match
each student’s need to available
services. These may include any of the
On-campus individual or group
Online therapy modules
Off-campus individual or group
On-campus medical evaluation
and services
Off-campus medical
evaluations and services
What can students expect
from counseling at ASU
Counseling Services?
Our staff has broad experience,
expertise, and sensitivity to diversity.
We are adept in working with you
to determine what you need, and
our clinicians will listen carefully
to your concerns before making
recommendations for the next steps of
treatment. For some, that may include
recommendations for continued
individual work at Counseling Services,
a referral to one of our many groups,
or a referral to a community provider.
All recommendations are based on
your individual needs, and we take into
consideration all factors that affect
you, including financial, academic,
and emotional. Your counselor will
respect you and your difficulties and is
committed to making sure you receive
the best possible treatment. We look
forward to assisting you with your
personal and career concerns.
How does a student know if
they need counseling?
Students who seek counseling do so
because they are experiencing some
form of discomfort or dissatisfaction
in their personal lives. They may
have problems in their relationships
with others or concerns about their
personal adequacy or competence.
Many experience anxiety or depression
without really knowing why. At times,
students may also experience academic
struggles or a lack of career direction.
These and many other concerns are
common reasons for seeking help at
ASU Counseling Services.
ASU Counseling Services
EMPACT 24-hour crisis
hotline: 480-921-1006
Courtesy of ASU
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